Midjourney Commands Toolkit: Everything You Need to Know

Midjourney has captivated global attention with its sophisticated, high-quality image generation from just mere text prompts.

While Midjourney’s interface is easy to use, learning the prompts and commands takes some time to achieve the desired results.

That’s precisely where this guide steps in. Designed for both beginners and seasoned users alike, this comprehensive collection of Midjourney code lists will undoubtedly prove instrumental in your creative endeavors.

So, without further ado, let’s start with the basics:

Basic Midjourney Commands

/askGet an answer to a question.
/daily_theme Toggle notification pings for the daily-theme channel update.
/docsUse the official Midjourney Discord server to quickly generate a link to topics covered in the user guide!
/faq Use the official Midjourney Discord server to generate a link to popular FAQs.
/helpShows helpful basic information and tips about the Midjourney Bot.
/imagineGenerate an image using a prompt.
/infoView information about your account and any queued or running jobs.
/stealth For Pro Plan Subscribers: switch to Stealth Mode.
/subscribeGenerate a personal link for a user’s account page.
/settingsView and adjust the Midjourney Bot’s settings.

Special Midjourney Commands


The blend command allows you to upload two images or more quickly and then looks at the concepts and aesthetics of each image and merges them into a novel new image.


This command allows you to upload an image and generate four possible prompts based on that image.

Mode Switch Commands

Use the following commands to switch between different bot modes:


Switch to Fast mode.


Switch to Relax mode.


Switch to Turbo mode (for Standard, Pro, and Mega plan subscribers).

Midjourney Aspect Ratio Commands

Midjourney Aspect Ratios

These commands help manage the aspect ratio of your images:

  • –aspect or –ar 1:1 – Default aspect ratio.
  • –aspect 5:4 – Common frame and print ratio.
  • –aspect 3:2 – Common in print photography.
  • –aspect 7:4 – Close to HD TV screens and smartphone screens.
MidJourney Parameter Aspect gif

Quality Parameter

The parameter influences the level of detail in the generated image. You can control it by using –quality or –q followed by a value of .25, .5, or 1.

–quality .25 or –q .25

This setting gives the quickest results but produces the least detailed images.

–quality .5 or –q .5

This setting is moderately quick and produces moderately detailed images.

–quality 1 or –q 1

This is the default setting. It takes longer but produces the most detailed images.

Midjourney Commands: Flea character Pixar 3d style | Cognitive Quest
Prompt: /imagine A Flea character Pixar 3d style –q 1 –v 5.2
Midjourney Parameter Quality

Commands for Custom Options

/prefer option

Create or manage a custom option.

/prefer option list

View your current custom options.

/prefer suffix

Specify a suffix to add to the end of every prompt.

Note that /blend does not work with text prompts. To use text and image prompts together, use image prompts and text with /imagine.

Version Parameter

–niji 5

Uses the Niji Model 5 to generate images with a more anime style.

–version 4 or –v 4

Uses Model Version 4.

–version 5 or –v 5

Uses Model Version 5.

–version 5.1 or –v 5.1

Uses Model Version 5.1.

–version 5.2 or –v 5.2

Uses Model Version 5.2 (the default model).

Midjourney Version_V52

Midjourney –Niji 5 vs –V 5.2: Same Prompt

–Niji 5

Midjourney cat prompt
–Niji 5: A playful kitten with big, expressive eyes, in a colorful, enchanted forest. The kitten could be chasing magical butterflies. –niji 5

–V 5.2

–V 5.2: A playful kitten with big, expressive eyes, in a colorful, enchanted forest. The kitten could be chasing magical butterflies.

Style Parameter

Use The parameter “–style” to influence the aesthetic style of the generated image.

  • –style raw: Used with Model Versions 5.1 and 5.2 to reduce Midjourney default aesthetic.
  • –style cute, –style scenic, –style original, –style expressive: These are used with the Niji Model 5 to fine-tune the images towards a specific aesthetic.

Stealth Mode

  • /stealth: Toggles Stealth Mode, making your images invisible to others on the Midjourney website.
  • /public: Toggles Public Mode, allowing your images to be visible to others on the Midjourney website.

Settings and Presets

  • /settings: Provides toggle buttons for common options such as model version, style value, quality value, upscale version, and Stealth/Public mode.
  • /prefer auto_dm: Automatically sends completed jobs to Direct Message.
  • /prefer option: Create or manage a custom option.
    • /prefer option set <name> <value>: Creates a custom parameter to quickly add multiple parameters to prompts.
    • /prefer option list: Lists all created custom options.
  • /prefer suffix: Automatically appends the specified suffix after all prompts.

Note: Parameters added to the end of a prompt will override selections made using /settings.

Show Images Job ID

/show <Job ID #>

You can use the /show command with your images job ID to move a job to another discord server, revive a lost job, or refresh an old job to make new variations, upscale, or use newer parameters and features.

How To Find Seed Number and Job ID For Any Image on Midjourney

Simply react to the desired image with an envelope emoji (✉️) to send a completed Job to direct messages. The direct message will contain the image’s seed number and Job ID number.

How to Switch Between Modes

Use the /fast, /turbo, or /relax commands.

Midjourney Bot’s Settings Commands

Basic Parameters Description
–chaos, <0-100> Change how varied the results will be. Higher values produce more unusual and unexpected generations.
–fastOverride your current setting and run a single job using Fast Mode.
–iw <0–2>Sets image prompt weight relative to text weight. The default value is 1.
–noNegative prompting, e.g., –no plants would try to remove plants from the image.
–relaxOverride your current setting and run a single job using Relax Mode.
–repeat or –r Create multiple Jobs from a single prompt.
The Midjourney bot uses seed numbers to generate visual noise fields. These seed numbers are randomly generated but can also be specified using the –seed or –sameseed parameter.
–stop <10–100>Use the –stop parameter to finish a Job partway through the process.
–stylize or –s <number> By applying this parameter, you can influence how strongly Midjourney’s default aesthetic style is.
–tileUse This parameter to generate images that can repeat tiles to create seamless patterns.
–TurboOverride your current setting and run a single job using Turbo Mode.
Explore unusual aesthetics with the experimental –weird parameter.

Midjourney Weird Command

The –weird command in Midjourney is an experimental feature that gives images an unusual, perhaps even eccentric, appearance. The same value of –weird can produce different degrees of weirdness depending on the image or prompt you’re working with.

With the –weird command, you can choose a value anywhere from 0 (for no weirdness) to 1000 (for maximum weirdness), although the command technically supports values up to 3000.

How much you dial up the weirdness is up to you, but starting with moderate values like 250 or 500 is usually a good idea. From there, you can adjust the –weird value up or down to achieve the level of weirdness you desire.

One interesting aspect of this command is that you can use it in conjunction with other commands, like –stylize, to achieve different effects. If you’re aiming for an image that’s both weird and visually appealing, you might use –weird and –stylize together.

Tip: To maintain a balance between the two, Midjourney recommends using the same value for both parameters.

Midjourney Weird Command Gallery

Remix Mode

The Remix mode is an experimental feature. This feature lets you change prompts, parameters, model versions, or aspect ratios between variations.

To activate Remix mode, use the /prefer remix command or through the /settings command and toggle the Remix Mode button.

Note: You can add or remove Parameters while using Remix mode. However, ensure you use valid parameter combinations to avoid errors.

Related Posts – 200 Midjourney Professional Prompts | Midjourney Prompt Generator

Image Generation Style

Here are some common styles of image generation:

8KThink bold, bright colors with high-intensity lighting. It might remind you of a computer-generated image.
CinematicThis style is about drama – shadows are pronounced, and objects might appear thicker.
High DefinitionExpect lighter shadows and lively and vibrant colors. It’s all about high clarity.
Ultra PhotorealisticIt’s like looking at a high-definition photograph. The style aims for hyperrealism and great detail.
Hasselblad H6DThis provides a sharp focus and clarity on the subject, coupled with darker shadows to give more depth.
Fine Ultra-detailed RealisticThis might be a bit grainy, but it’s all about enhancing the details.
Color GradingThe colors are vibrant and varied.
Depth of FieldThe subject is in clear focus, while the background and foreground are softly blurred.
Film LightingThis style uses only a few light sources, often with dramatic backlighting and deep shadows.
Rim LightingSimilar to Film Lighting, but with a slightly stronger play of light.
IntricateNon-realistic yet detailed and pattern-like designs characterize this style.
RealismImages appear real, backgrounds are uniform, and more objects are included with the subject.
PhotographyThe subject is highlighted with a small area of objects, while the background remains minimalistic.
Rendered for IMAXExpect complex subjects, directional lighting, and subtly saturated colors.
Tilt-ShiftSimilar to Depth of Field, but observed from a high angle.
Motion-BlurThis style captures the illusion of speed or wind in motion.
35mm FilmThe colors are vibrant but not too bright, with detailed foreground and/or background elements to add richness.

You can use all of these commands in any Bot Channel, on private Discord servers where the Midjourney Bot has been granted permission to operate, or in a direct message with the Midjourney Bot.

Additional Resource

Deprecated Parameters/Commands

These commands and parameters are no longer active or have been replaced by other commands in the bot:

  • /private (replaced with /stealth)
  • /pixels
  • /idea
  • –width and –w (replaced with –aspect)
  • –height and –h (replaced with –aspect)
  • –fast (replaced with –quality)
  • –vibe (now known as V1)
  • –upanime
  • –hq
  • –newclip
  • –nostretch
  • –old
  • –beta

Final Thought

To conclude, Midjourney’s groundbreaking technology offers vast potential, enabling the creation of visually stunning, high-quality images from straightforward text prompts.

However, to fully tap into this tool’s capabilities, one must navigate its complexities and become well-versed in its commands. Our exhaustive guide serves as a valuable resource in this learning curve.

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