Revealing the Truth: Is FreedomGPT Safe? Find out!

Hello readers! Today, we’re going to cut to the chase and address a trending question: Is FreedomGPTsafe to use? FreedomGPT is one of the many AI language models out there, but it claims to set itself apart by being censorship-free. 

But does this lack of censorship make it a useful tool, or does it open a can of worms?

In this blog, we will take a hard look at FreedomGPT. We’ll go over what it does, how it works, and most importantly, whether or not it’s safe to use. 

But before we dive into that, let’s take a step back and understand what AI language models are.

Picture having a highly knowledgeable robot friend who can chat with you, create stories, provide answers to questions, and assist you with your schoolwork. This is the concept behind an AI language model. These models are trained with extensive amounts of text data to produce responses that resemble human-like interactions.

Now, let’s talk about a particular AI language model called FreedomGPT.

What is FreedomGPT?

FreedomGPT was created by a company called Age of AI. They wanted to make an AI that doesn’t have any filters or restrictions, meaning it can talk about almost anything without holding back. It’s like having a conversation with someone who speaks their mind freely.

  • Open-Source: FreedomGPT is open-source, meaning not only can you use it, but you can also peek under the hood to see how it’s made and even tweak it yourself. It’s open for anyone to inspect and improve.
  • Built on Stanford’s Alpaca Models: FreedomGPT is built on Alpaca models from Stanford University. These models serve as the foundation that enables FreedomGPT to understand and generate text.
  • Can Run Locally: FreedomGPT can be used on your own computer without an internet connection. This keeps your conversations with it private, as they don’t leave your device.

How Does FreedomGPT Work?

With FreedomGPT, you can type in questions, statements, or prompts, and it will respond with text that sounds like a human wrote it. But that’s not all! It can also help you write essays, create stories, translate languages, and more. 

You might be wondering, “Isn’t there another AI called ChatGPT? How is FreedomGPT different?” Great question! ChatGPT is another AI language model, but there are some key differences.

  1. Censorship-Free: FreedomGPT doesn’t hold back. It can talk about a wider range of topics without filters. ChatGPT, on the other hand, has some restrictions on what it can talk about.
  2. Privacy: FreedomGPT can run on your own computer, which means your conversations with it stay private. ChatGPT usually runs on the internet, so there’s less privacy.
  3. Customization: Since FreedomGPT, tech-savvy individuals can take advantage of FreedomGPT’s open-source nature. ChatGPT is more like a finished product that you can’t change.

FreedomGPT’s answer to the following prompt: “Should the goverment have the power to regulate or control access to the internet? Yes or No?”

FreedomGPT Example Responses | Cognitive Quest

ChatGPT-4’s response on the same question

ChatGPT-4's response on a controversial question.

Is FreedomGPT Safe? A Straightforward Answer

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room: Is FreedomGPT safe to use? The short answer is yes; it is safe to use FreedomGPT. However, like any tool, it needs to be used responsibly. It’s essential to be mindful of its limitations and think critically about the information it provides


  • Censorship-Free: FreedomGPT doesn’t have filters, allowing you to ask it anything. This can be useful for learning and discussing a wide range of topics.
  • Runs Locally for Privacy: You can use FreedomGPT on your own computer, ensuring that your conversations remain private and don’t leave your device.


  • Potential for Inappropriate Responses: Without filters, FreedomGPT might sometimes generate inappropriate or sensitive responses, as it doesn’t understand social norms.
  • Concerns About Biases: FreedomGPT learns from large amounts of text data, so it might inadvertently pick up biases. It’s crucial to assess the information it provides critically.

While FreedomGPT is not developed by OpenAI, it’s built on models similar to ChatGPT, which is developed by OpenAI. OpenAI takes several measures to ensure user safety for its models:

  1. Content Moderation: OpenAI uses systems to prevent its models from making harmful or inappropriate content.
  2. Pre-training and Fine-tuning: The models are trained in two steps to ensure they are safe and useful. First, they are pre-trained on a large dataset, then fine-tuned on a smaller dataset with human reviewers.
  3. User Feedback: OpenAI encourages users to provide feedback if they see something concerning in the model’s responses. This feedback is used to make the models better and safer over time.

To sum up, using FreedomGPT is safe as long as it’s used responsibly.

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Delving into Safety Concerns

Now that we know FreedomGPT has its pros and cons let’s dive deeper into the safety concerns and how we can use FreedomGPT responsibly.

  • Content Moderation: FreedomGPT has limited content moderation since it’s censorship-free. This means it might sometimes generate responses that are not ideal. It’s important to approach FreedomGPT with the understanding that its responses may vary in quality.
  • Pre-training and Fine-tuning: FreedomGPT is first trained with a large amount of text data (pre-training) and then sharpened to be more useful (fine-tuning). However, its censorship-free nature means that fine-tuning doesn’t impose as many restrictions as it does in other AIs.
  • User Feedback: Users can contribute to improving FreedomGPT by providing feedback to the developers, especially if it generates content that should be refined or corrected.
  • Risks and Mitigation Strategies: Be aware of risks such as biases, inappropriate content, and misinformation. To mitigate these risks:
    • Don’t solely rely on FreedomGPT for critical information.
    • Verify the information it provides.
    • Engage with it respectfully and responsibly.

How to Install FreedomGPT: Installation and Setup Guide

Now, let’s talk about how to get FreedomGPT up and running on your computer. Don’t worry; it’s not too complicated!

Where to download FreedomGPT | Guide
  1. Go to GitHub: First, you need to visit FreedomGPT’s GitHub repository or their online website. Just search for “FreedomGPT GitHub” in your favorite search engine.
  2. Download the Code: Once you’re on FreedomGPT’s GitHub page, look for a green button that says “Code” and click it. Then choose “Download ZIP”. This will download all the files you need.
  3. Unzip the Files: Find the ZIP file you just downloaded and extract it to a folder on your computer.
  4. Install Dependencies: Now, you need to open the folder you extracted and run a command to set things up. 
  5. Launch FreedomGPT: Almost there! Now, in the same command prompt or terminal, type “yarn start:prod” and hit enter. This will start with FreedomGPT.
  6. Start Chatting: Once FreedomGPT is running, you can start typing in prompts or questions and see how it responds! Be aware that FreedomGPT might not answer some of the prompts.


We’ve covered a lot about FreedomGPT, so let’s wrap things up!

FreedomGPT is an AI language model that’s pretty amazing. It’s censorship-free, which means it doesn’t hold back, and it can run right on your own computer, keeping your conversations private.

But, with great power comes great responsibility. FreedomGPT can sometimes say things that are not appropriate or might be biased. It’s important to remember that it’s just a tool and doesn’t have human understanding.

Using FreedomGPT responsibly means thinking critically about the information it provides, double-checking facts, and being mindful of the questions and prompts you give it. Let the developers know if you notice something concerning FreedomGPT’s responses.

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